
Fast-setting sealants for minimizing closures.

Calculated Protection

The Fabick POUR-PACTM MP-55 is an easy-to-use, two-component, semi-self-leveling sealant with fast cure times, excellent chemical resistance, water impermeability, thermal stability, and adhesion to concrete. The material can be applied in extreme temperatures and is tack free within minutes allowing traffic lanes to be re-opened in less than an hour and reducing the cost of lane closures, traffic congestion, and travel delays. Minimizing the duration of lane closures enhances worker safety by limiting their exposure to traffic and enhances safety for the traveling public by limiting disruption to the normal traffic flow.

The POUR-PAC MP-55 material has been used worldwide with node-type traffic, parking, and weather sensors for the last decade. The material comes packaged in a convenient 450ml cartridge system, making it an ideal traffic sensor sealant due to its simplified application process, on-ratio dispensing, and minimal physical contact with the chemical components.

Fabick also offers its Traffic 125 material, packaged in a 600ml or 1500ml cartridge system, including all of the benefits provided by its POUR-PAC MP-55 material. Traffic 125 is ideal for traffic and toll loop installations requiring fast-curing material.

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4118 Robertson Road
Madison, WI 53714-3119 USA
T: 608-242-1100

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